Using Rust Axum With Sqlx



use axum::{
    extract::{State, FromRef},

// Our top level state that contains an `HttpClient` and a `Database`
// `#[derive(FromRef)]` makes them sub states so they can be extracted
// independently
#[derive(Clone, FromRef)]
struct AppState {
    client: HttpClient,
    database: Database,

struct HttpClient {}

struct Database {}

let state = AppState {
    client: HttpClient {},
    database: Database {},

let app = Router::new()
    .route("/", get(handler))

async fn handler(
    // We can extract both `State<HttpClient>` and `State<Database>`
    State(client): State<HttpClient>,
    State(database): State<Database>,
) {}


Install sqlx cli:

cargo install sqlx-cli

This command accepts some additional arguments, which define features related to different database engines, ssl e.t.c. To check what you may need use this doc

To connect to the database cli requires to specify connection string. This may be done with --database-url argument and also using .env file with DATABASE_URL value. For example:


To initialize database run: sqlx database create, to remove created database sqlx database drop

Create migration file: sqlx migrate add <name>. By default this creates not reversible migration. I you need this migration to be reversible add -r argument to the previous command. Note: all migrations should be of the same type. Fill created files with sql code. To apply created migration run: sqlx migrate run. To revert migration run sqlx migrate revert

Offline mode for query!()

// todo: