Setup Debian Initial Configuration

Before all let's update the installation:

sudo apt clean
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo apt dist-upgrade -y
sudo apt install linux-headers-$(uname -r) make gcc  dkms kpartx

Window Server

To have a graphical interface we need to install window server. In particular case it will be xorg:

sudo apt install xorg

Window Manager

As a window manager we will use i3. To install it, run:

sudo apt install apt-transport-https --yes
sudo apt install i3

Now run startx command to start a window server. If everything installed correctly, i3 session will appear. Following steps, displayed by i3, should be created configuration file in ~/.config/i3/config.

To start GUI automatically on login, you may add startx to the ~/.bashrc or similar.


Install ufw:

sudo apt isntall ufw

Ensure that /etc/default/ufw contains:


Than enable firewall:

sudo ufw allow 22/ssh
sudo ufw enable

Grub Configuration

To reduce time while Grub menu is open on startup open Grub configuration file:

vim /etc/default/grub

And change the line GRUB_TIMEOUT to the number of seconds you need.

After that run:

sudo update-grub


Installing Debian as VM in Parallels there will be a problem installing parallels tools. To solve it need to remount Parallels drive:

sudo mount -oro,exec,remount /media/cdrom
sudo /media/cdrom/install # then run installer