element nodes are an objects which in assembly compose Document Object Model or DOM.

html elements are element nodes, simple text is a text node. html attributes also create attribute nodes.

Element nodes contain properties and methods, which may be interacted with JavaScript.

Querying DOM Elements

The most basic and generic way to get DOM element from html page is querySelector(<query>), which returns single element and querySelectorAll(<query>) which returns collection of elements.

<query> has a special syntax, similar to css elements syntax:

  • To get element by it's class name .class-name
  • To get element by it's id #element-id-name
  • To get element by it's tag tag-name

But this is not limited to simple tag/class/id, actually querySelector may receive more complex css element queries, like:

const $firstListElem = document.querySelector("ul li:first-child")

These querySelectorAll method, which returns collection of DOM nodes return NodeList, which is a data structure, similar to array, but it is not an actual array.

There are more specific method for retrieving elements.

To get elements by it's id there is getElementById(), which returns single element.

It is also possible to get group of elements by their tag name - getElementsByTagName(<tag_nam>)

getElementsByClassName(<class-name>) - returns collection of nodes, found by given class name.

Traversing DOM

To traverse the DOM there are a bunch of methods on node:

  • parentNode - get parent of current node.
  • nextSibling - get next sibling on the same level.
  • previousSibling - get previous sibling on the same level.
  • firstChild - get first child of this element.
  • lastChild - get last child of this element.
  • childNodes - get collection of all element's children including text nodes.
  • children - get children element nodes without text nodes

Modification Of DOM Elements

  • element.innerHTML - allows to get or set inner content of current element

      <li>li - 1</li>
      <li>li - 2</li>
      <li>li - 3</li>
    const $list = document.querySelector("ul")
    // <li>li - 1</li>
    // <li>li - 2</li>
    // <li>li - 3</li>
  • element.innerText - allows to get or set internal text content of given element and all it's children:

      <li>li - 1</li>
      <li>li - 2</li>
      <li>li - 3</li>
    const $list = document.querySelector("ul")
    // li - 1
    // li - 2
    // li - 3
  • element.insertAdjacentHTML(position, value) - inserts html content on specified position inside of source element. Where position may be:

    • beforebegin - before the element. In this case source element should have parent.
    • afterbegin - as a first child
    • beforeend - as a last child
    • afterend - after the source element(which should have a parent)
  • element.style - object, which contains style css properties, assigned to this element. Important to notice: name of style attribute in js will be transformed to camel case, e.g. background-color -> backgroundColor

  • element.getAttribute(<attribute-name>) - allows to get html attribute value

  • element.setAttribute(<attribute-name>, <value>) - allows to change node attribute value

    const $input = document.getElementById("text-input")
    const inputValue = $input.getAttribute("value")
    $input.setAttribute("value", "new text")
  • element.removeAttribute(<attribute-name>) - remove node attribute

  • document.createElement(<tag-name>) - creates new element node of given html tag

    Note: this method is always called on document object and not on any other node element

  • element.appendChild(<child>) - insert given element to target element children

  • element.lastElementChild - selects last child of element

    • before - selects element before this
    • after - selects element after this
    • replaceWith() - replace this element with new provided
  • element.insertBefore(<element>) - insert given element before target element as a sibling

  • element.replaceChild(newElement, oldElement) - insert newElement instead of oldElement

  • element.remove() - removes element from DOM