Vim Search


To open search bar in menu type / character. This will open search field which allows to search in the top to bottom direction. ? opens search field, which will perform search in opposite direction. You can type plain text in the search area to find it's occurances in the currently open document.

When the result is found you can use n to move to the next result or N to move to the previous result.


The pattern for replace command is as follows:

:[range]s/{pattern}/{string}/[flags] [count]

Here range specifies range, where replace will be executed in document. For example s for only first occurance, %s for all occurances. When no range and count provided replace will take place only in the current line with the cursor. To replace between particular lines e.g. between lines 3 and 10, specify range like 3:10s. :.,$s/{pattern}/{string} - means replace between current line and last line. :.,+5s/{pattern}/{string} - replace between current line and next 5 lines.

pattern is a regular expression, matching the text, which will be replaced.

string is a replacement text.

flags are additional arguments for the command, e.g. g - apply replace for all matches, c - require confirmation for each replace, i - ignore case,
