Vim Buffers
Buffer Commands
or :files
or :buffers
- list active buffers
- Buffer which is in the current window
- Alternate buffer (the last file which was most recently edited in the current window)
- Active buffer (the file which is being edited in the current window)
- Hidden buffer (buffer with unsaved modifications but is not being displayed in any window)
- Unlisted buffer (files that are not open in Vim but are present in the current working directory; use :ls! to view this)
- Buffer with 'modifiable' set to off
- A read-only buffer
- A modified buffer (buffer with changes that are not written to disk)
- A buffer that has read errors
:bdelete <buffer id>
or :bd <buffer id>
deltes buffer.
If buffer id
is not specified, will be removed current buffer.
It is also possible to delete range of buffers: :2,3bd
:buffer <buffer id>
or :b <buffer id>
used to switch between buffers.
or :bn
switches to the next buffer.
or :bp
switches to the previous buffer.
and :blast
move to the first or the last buffer respectively.