Efficient Serialization Of Large Object Into JSON In C#

When you need to serialize large objects there may occur problems with memory allocation, heavy large object heap allocation which creates additional load on garbage collection and in some cases to throwing of OutOfMemoryException.

Using Newtonsoft.Json package it is possible to serialize/deserialize large objects without loading whole data into memory.

Let's consider an example. We have an object of simple structure:

public readonly record struct StreamedObject(Guid Id, string Value);

And we have a large stream of such an objects with unknown length. It may be gRPC, simple iterator, making calls to external api or generated data. This objects eventually must be serialized into single JSON string and saved into file. To achieve this without a need to load all objects into memory in Newtonsoft.Json there is an overload of Serialize method of JsonSerializer, allowing to write data into stream as it appears:

public void Serialize(JsonWriter jsonWriter, object? value);

Let's create a method, which will receive a stream and enumeration of our objects. This method will serialize objects by the way these objects appear directly into given stream:

void WriteJsonToStream(Stream stream, IEnumerable<StreamedObject> objects)
    using var utcStreamWriter = new StreamWriter(stream); // create a UTF-8 encoded stream
    using var jsonWriter = new JsonTextWriter(utcStreamWriter); // create JsonWriter of Newtonsoft.Json

    var serializer = new JsonSerializer();
    serializer.Serialize(jsonWriter, objects);

In preference it is handy to convert it into an extension method of Stream:

public static class StreamExtensions
    public static void WriteJsonToStream<T>(this Stream stream, IEnumerable<T> objects)
        using var utcStreamWriter = new StreamWriter(stream);
        using var jsonWriter = new JsonTextWriter(utcStreamWriter);

        var serializer = new JsonSerializer();
        serializer.Serialize(jsonWriter, objects);

Now we can use this extension on some particular example:

var fixture = new Fixture();
var objects = fixture.CreateMany<StreamedObject>(200); // create an enumeration of objects with length 200
using var file = File.Create("test.json"); // create a file in local file system and get a stream,
// allowing to write into this file

file.WriteJsonToStream(objects); // serializing generated objects into file stream

As we created an extension over simple stream, we are not limited with only FileStream. We can use it with any stream we may need:

var memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
